Brain and Neck MRI scans | Medserena Open MRI

A brain MRI scan is a non-invasive test for a range of neurological symptoms, including chronic headaches, numbness in the limbs, double vision, confusion, memory loss and dizziness.

An open MRI Brain scan can potentially rule out or confirm possible causes for symptoms ranging from head injuries including concussion, stroke, brain tumours, meningitis, dementia, fluid build-up, multiple sclerosis, plus ear problems.

Medserena’s package of head and brain MRI scans include specialist scans to investigate facial pain, aneurysms (bulging arteries), blood clots and narrowing of arteries, as well as internal auditory canal (Internal Auditory Meatus or IAM) MRI scans to investigate sudden hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance problems.

Our expert radiographers or your referring physician will advise which head and brain MRI scan is most appropriate for investigating your symptoms.