Medserena MRI Scans | About Medserena MRI

About Medserena

Medserena is a provider of Open and Upright MRI scans in both the UK and Germany with a trusted reputation and highly rated network of locations.

We accept referrals and payments in a number of ways as shown in the table below:


Medical Insured

Authorising Funding


Self Referred

Our referred patients come via a broad range of health care professionals plus an ever increasing number of people who are choosing to self-refer for an open MRI scan.

More details about our pricing policy, booking deposits and payment methods can be found on our Private Medical Insurance, Self-Pay and NHS Patient pages.

Premium MRI Scan Service

Premium Service

Our aim is to be the premium provider of open and upright MRI scans through experience and business investment and we already provide 14,000+ open and upright scans each year throughout Germany and the UK.

All Medserena scanning centres are situated in prestigious locations with large, spacious waiting areas and scanning rooms. In the UK we currently have locations in both London and Manchester.

Uniquely, our MRI systems are the only ones currently available that can image the whole spine in upright, weight bearing positions thanks to their size.

Receptionists and Radiographers

You’re in safe hands with Medserena staff who all have the primary aim of giving you a better MRI experience.

Our Receptionist and Radiographer teams understand the reasons people seek an open and upright MRI scan, and you will find us empathetic from the moment you make contact.

Whether you’re feeling nervous or claustrophobic about having your MRI or you need scanning in a potentially painful, weight-bearing position for an optimal diagnosis, you can be sure that you will get the very best 5-star care throughout your scan appointment.

Medserena Receptionists
Premium MRI Scan Service

Accredited Clinical and Medical Staff

All of our clinical and medical staff are accredited and registered with the relevant professional bodies. For example, our Radiographers are registered with the Society of Radiographers and are qualified to use imaging equipment and techniques to produce images of the body for diagnosis of injury or disease.

Our reporting Radiologists are doctors who are registered with the Royal College of Radiologists and specially trained to interpret diagnostic images such as MRI, often specialising in particular areas such as MSK (musculoskeletal), neurology and gynaecology.

All of our medical reports are prepared specifically for a healthcare professional by a Radiologist and are based on the findings and their interpretation of your MRI scan.

Location for Truly upright
MRI scans

Our scans can be performed in
London or Manchester

From only

Prices are self-pay only, inclusive
of Radiologist report


Same day

Many MRI scans can be booked
for the same day

Premium MRI Scan Service

High Patient Satisfaction

Medserena actively welcomes patient feedback on their experience of having a scan with us and we are consistently highly rated with satisfaction rates of 97 per cent.

Please click on a payment option to find out more